Plans for Proposed Aldi’s Grocery Store at N. Winton and Blossom

Plans for Proposed Aldi’s Grocery Store at N. Winton and Blossom

3/2/2015 – Updated with project manager Zina Lagonegro’s contact information.

Here you’ll find the plan documents for the proposed Aldi’s supermarket at the corner of North Winton Rd. and Blossom Rd., surrounding the Tops gas station. Documents are provided by the project manager, Zina Lagonegro, Development Review Coordinator for the City of Rochester. You may contact her at with your comments on the project. She will share all correspondence with the Zoning Board representative in her office.

Demolition Plan | Aerial Site View | Site Plan | Site Survey

Floor Plan | Exterior Elevations | Landscaping Plan (1) (2) | Lighting

Utility Plan | Grading and Drainage | Architectural Details | Specifications

The property will be discussed at a Public Hearing of the City of Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA).

Bureau of Planning & Zoning
City Hall – Room 125B
Rochester, New York 14614
(585) 428-6526

Here’s how you can voice your support or concerns, from Roseanne Khaleel, member of the ZBA on

I strongly suggest not waiting until the hearing to present your opinions. Neighborhood groups and residents can submit written comments during site plan review, and at any other step along the process.

You can call up and find out who is the lead person on the case and address all comments to them. If, on the day of the hearing, we get stacks of new comments, they will get the attention commensurate with the time provided for review. We much prefer having the time to give submitted materials a thorough going over. We get our official packages the week before the hearing.

All ZBA Board members are volunteers. We have no personal or professional agendas, but we do bring our own expertise and outlook to all cases.

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