Board of Directors
The NWVA is run by a dedicated group of neighborhood volunteers. There are no paid personnel. Elections are conducted each April at the annual neighborhood meeting.
2024 North Winton Village Association Board Members
Updated 8/5/2024
Term: May 2024 to April 2025
Mary Coffey, Co-Chair
Marilyn Schutte, Co-Chair
Bryce Miller, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Parchus, Treasurer
Brian Halligan, Social Media
John Coraggioso, At Large
Joe Polizzi, At Large
Yvonne Chang, At Large
Chris Affronti-Melnyk, Communications
Debbi Keller, At Large
Tim Keller, At, Large
Cheryl Cassidy, Secretary
Tony Celino, At Large
Jennifer Kinsman, At Large
Barbara Markowetz-Kuipers, At Large
*Committee Chairs
Beautification: Marilyn Schutte*, Bryce Miller, Marilyn Parchus
Code: Bryce Miller*, Mary Coffey, Marilyn Schutte
Communications: Mary Coffey*, Bryce Miller, Joe Polizzi, Chris Affronti-Melnyk
Economic Development: John Coraggioso*, Mary Coffey, Joe Polizzi, Marilyn Schutte
Festival of the Arts: Marilyn Parchus
Finance: Marilyn Parchus
Grants: Marilyn Parchus
Historic Preservation: Vacant
Marketing: Bryce Miller*, Brian Halligan
Membership: Marilyn Parchus
Safety: Mary Coffey*, Bryce Miller
Website/Social Media: Brian Halligan
Zoning: Mary Coffey*, Marilyn Schutte
Honorary Members
Tom Green, Mayer Paint & Hardware
Bill Seremetis, Captain Jim’s Fish Market
James Vamvakitis, Liberty Family Restaurant
The NWVA is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.