January 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
The following are the approved minutes for the January 26, 2015 meeting of the North Winton Village Association Board. See additional minutes as they are posted.
NWVA Board Meeting
Jan 26, 2015
Members present: 7, not a Quorum as defined by Bylaw Amendment 8/18/2014.
Peggy Michniewiez
Bruce Brannon
Bryce Miller
Mary Coffey
John Coraggioso
Joe Polizzi
Denise Speicher
Missing: Marilyn Parchus, Marilyn Schutte, Brian Halligan, Holly Petsos, Tony Cilino
Minutes from last meeting were not approved due to Secretary’s printer problem.
Guests: Joe Jacobs & Amy Reeger: Joe and Amy moved to NWV in September. Want to help. Joe is an engineer willing to help with zoning or civic processes. He does represent developers for work, so will have to watch for conflict of interest. He can help us with questions of due process, site plan review and zoning code interpretations.
There was a discussion about attracting young people to move to NWV. Guests said houses are going on the market and selling fast.
They have a friend, Breanna Banford that works for YELP—they will invite her to our next meeting.
Arts, New Media, Beautification: not discussed.
Financial: Patricia Bentley from Chase was going to bring bank statement, but she was unable to be here tonight.
Mary Coffey would like a summary sheet of expenditures–wants to know to whom the checks are being written.
Grants: We did not get the Main Street Grant. No one in the City did. John suggests that at the next meeting we should vote on hiring a professional grant write if the grant is for $10,000 or more.
Economic Development: There is a new mattress store in a former office site on E. Main St. Nearby residents weren’t notified nor was the Board. John will e mail Matt McCarthy about why NWV wasn’t notified—with a cc to Nancy Price and Del Smith.
Discussion about how it takes 1-1 ½ year to get new businesses into NWV. Mom & Pop stores invite trouble says Mary Coffey
People are not walking to restaurants in the neighborhood. Houses will need to be demolished for new business to come in.
Mary Coffey & Bryce will go to Economic Development meeting tomorrow night. It is felt that NWV is not on the map for development by City Hall.
Zoning & Safety: The Dollar Tree in the plaza at the corner of N. Winton and E. Main reports that it has lost $67,000 worth of shoplifted merchandise this year. Mary plans to attend a meeting with Police Captain Lloyd Cuyler and Nancy Johns Price on February 10. The police are maintaining a close watch on the Plaza.
The Angels of Mercy on N. Winton are watching activity at the adjacent Mom & Pop store. Crime is suspected to be occurring there.
Police Captain Cuyler wants Court Watch organized for NWV. That is a program in which volunteers attend court dates of people charged with committing crimes in NWV.
Peggy M, who worked for years in the Rochester court system, says Court Watch doesn’t work. Peggy and Mary C. will attend a Court Watch meeting to investigate further.
Mary circulated a letter to the CEO of the Dollar Tree for Board member’s signatures. It will be attached to these minutes.
Other Business: Joe P., landlord of the Safety Center has seen evidence of people coming in to the Safety Center in the middle of the night. Cameras are not showing who it is. Joe will rekey and recode the door. We will discuss at the next meeting who will be authorized to have a key.
Bryce reports the Center is dirty. He has been cleaning it. Tony C. has been unable to do planned renovations including new carpeting. John volunteers to be responsible for supervising renovations with Bryce helping. The goal will be a more professional look.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 23, 2015.
Local YELP representative will be invited to attend.
John suggested we should vote on hiring a professional grant writer (for grants worth $10,000 or more.)
New arrangements for access to the Safety Center will be discussed.
John will talk about plans for developing a business association for NWV (like Park Av and the South Wedge have). Certain grants require a formal Business Association.
Approve minutes of November 24 meeting.
Meeting ended about 9 PM.
Minutes taken by Denise Speicher, Secretary