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North Winton Village Association and Winfield Grill Win Flower City Garden Contest

North Winton Village Association and Winfield Grill Win Flower City Garden Contest

Garden AwardOver the past 19 years, the Flower City Garden Contest has recognized the efforts of hundreds of gardeners dedicated to making Rochester greener, cleaner, and more beautiful.

Winners of the Summer 2012 content include your North Winton Village Association and the Winfield Grill!

Best Community Enhancement Gardens:
Project Scion at Jay & Child Streets
North Winton Village (Gazebo Garden, Linear Park, Containers on East Main Street)

Best Use of Container Gardening:
Residential – Jamie & Belinda Miller, 49 Hancock Street
Commercial – The Winfield Grill, 647 Winton Road North

Best Educational Garden Projects:
Maplewood Community Library vegetable garden, 1111 Dewey Avenue
Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse War of 1812 Bicentennial Peace Garden, 70 Lighthouse St.

Best Use of a Water Feature:
Sheron Gardner, 99 Albemarle Street

Best Wildlife/Butterfly Habitat Garden:
Barb Ann Kupiec, 525 Ramona Street

Winter Contest

While the summer contest is over, nominations and entries for the winter Flower City Garden Contest are due February 26, 2013.

Entries can be accepted via the  online entry form, or by mail/delivery of an entry form (Mail/deliver to Bureau of Recreation headquarters, 400 Dewey Avenue, 14613) map 

Recognition and prizes are awarded in the following categories:
  • Best Container Garden
  • Best Use of Water Feature in a Garden
  • Best Educational Garden Project
  • Best Wildlife/Butterfly Habitat
  • Best Neighborhood Enhancement Garden
  • Best Urban Farm
  • Best Winter Garden (Enter by February 26, 2013)
Winfield Grill Parking Lot

Winfield Grill Parking Lot

We are pleased with the new look of the wrought iron fence and brick posts in the parking lot. The owner is very enthusiastic about the neighborhood turn-of-the-century lighting, and has rescued an original Corwin Rd. street light to place it on his property. Thanks!

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