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Winton Branch Library Partners/Volunteers Meeting June 19

Winton Branch Library Partners/Volunteers Meeting June 19

From Barbara Nichols:

It looks like summer weather has finally settled in, and I hope you’re all taking the time to enjoy it. We managed to dodge the bullet with our mild winter this past year. I’ve been around long enough to realize that we probably won’t get a repeat this time around, so I’m trying to be outside to soak up the summer as much as possible.

Because we’re into warmer weather, the library needs some volunteers for two outside projects:

We’ve been re-developing  the flower gardens around the library. Each year we’ve added more and this year we need one or two volunteers to help maintain them. Mostly this will be helping weed, but it may include shifting and re-planting. We have a great volunteer who heads up the garden project, but she could really use help. This would probably only be an hour or two occasionally, but it’s something the staff doesn’t have time for and the library really needs.

I was approached by another volunteer who offered to develop a nature trail on library land. She’s mapped the route out but needs some help working on it. Hopefully we can get some scouts involved, but we still need another adult to be involved with it.

(Book Sale) Meanwhile, discards and donations are piling up, and it’s time to plan for another book sale in the fall. We’ve tentatively set the date for October 12 and 13.  We’re hoping that the Winton Partners will take over this year; library staff can do some general oversight, but we really  need a volunteer from the community to coordinate the sale and volunteers who are willing to set up, unpack, staff the sale, and then pack up what’s left. You could volunteer for just an hour or for the whole sale. Every bit of time will help.

Because the sale would be sponsored by the Partners, you would get to decide what the money would be used for. In the past, other Friends groups have used book sale money to buy books and media for their library. Others have purchased educational toys for their children’s rooms. And yet others have supported pet projects like buying and maintaining an aquarium.

We’ll be holding a Winton Partners meeting next Tuesday, June 19 at 6:00.  The library closes at 6 on Tuesday. If you come after the library closes, open and close the book drop by the Atlantic Ave. entrance a few times. We’ll hear it in the library and send someone to let you in.

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