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Tag: election

Rochester City Council Candidate Forum — East District

Rochester City Council Candidate Forum — East District

Ask your questions to candidates for Rochester City Council — East District, which includes North Winton Village!

2018 North Winton Village Association Board Elections

2018 North Winton Village Association Board Elections

Updated: April 18, 2018

Announcement from the NWVA Board regarding 2018 elections taking place at the annual meeting, Friday, April 20, 2018, 7:00 p.m., at St. John the Evangelist Church, 553 Humboldt St.

2018 North Winton Village Board of Directors
Term: May 2018‐April 2019
Mary Coffey              Co‐Chair
Marilyn Schutte       Co‐Chair
Bryce Miller              Vice Chair
Marilyn Parchus      Treasurer
Brett Wolff                Secretary
Brian Halligan          Social Media
Frank Van Deusen   At Large
John Coraggioso      At Large
Joe Polizzi                 At Large
Tony Celino              At Large
Yvonne Chang          At Large
Betty Ann Manganello   At Large
Jennifer Kinsman    At Large
Sami Sheehan           At Large
Friday, April 20 7PM
St. John the Evangelist
553 Humboldt St.
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