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Crime Prevention Officer Report – March 2012

Crime Prevention Officer Report – March 2012

Dear Residents,

[Below] you will find reports on crime that has occurred in your area over the past 28 days. These reports have been derived from information provided by the Monroe Crime Analysis Center for your reference. We anticipate distributing this report by e-mail approximately every 28 days.

If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call your crime prevention officer at the South East  Neighborhood Service Center 428-7640.

Southeast 28 Day Crime List

Southeast 28 Day Crime Map


Brian Bannerman
Crime Prevention Officer
Rochester NY Police Department
East Division, SENSC
846 South Clinton Av.
Rochester, NY 14620

Crime Prevention Officer Report

Crime Prevention Officer Report

Officer Brian Bannerman recently sent an important message reminding us to call 911 to report all suspicious or criminal activity. Please refer to these Crime Prevention Tips for more information.

Dear Citizens,

I recently received second hand information about a suspicious incident that may have occurred in the Highland Park area. This incident may have involved an assault or attempted theft. Because it was not reported to the police, I have no details to investigate.

Please understand that when crimes go unreported, it only benefit the criminal. Our Crime analysts use reported crimes to identify crime patterns and trends in a particular neighborhood.  Police resources are allocated after reported crimes, patterns and trends  are reviewed by our Command staff. Therefore, no additional resources will be sent to address an issue that has not been reported.

PLEASE report all suspicious or criminal activity immediately by calling 911. This may keep your friends, neighbors and yourself from becoming a victim in the future.

In addition, please review the attached crime prevention tips to deter crime.

Brian Bannerman
Crime Prevention Officer
Rochester NY Police Department
East Division, SENSC
846 South Clinton Av.
Rochester, NY 14620

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