Triangle Merchants Association

Triangle Merchants Association

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The Triangle Merchants Association of North Winton Village is a group of business owners dedicated to preserving and enhancing the neighborhood. The TMA provides its members a network to share knowledge, best practices, and vital information. Combining the voices of the business community under one banner, the TMA creates an established presence that will proactively promote and protect the interests of its members.

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Previous Board Minutes

Triangle Merchants Association Board Meeting
April 9, 2018
12PM, 1933 East Main St.

Time meeting started: 12:10
Members present: Joe Polizzi, Betsy Matthews, Scott Posadny, John Corraggioso, Lindsay Tarnoff, Matt McCarthy, Joanne Panaris-Bottone

NeighborWorks Rochester Updates: Joanne Panaris-Bottone

Joanne Panaris-Bottone met with John, Lindsay from TMA and, Tyler and Mikey from TNA with the goal of bringing two associations together, new leadership and helping with transition; collaborate on events together

NeighborWorks Rochester – Monday, June 4, 5p-7:30p – food, drinks, music

fundraiser/event – celebrate four quadrants, representatives help plan event; have champions nominated to celebrate at event; recognize neighborhood leaders (not traditional leaders); big city block party; mayor is behind/supportive of event

3rd annual; partner with public market
Free to merchants and business associations; seeking sponsors and associations to table Kelly Hollenback is contact person – see for more info

Guest: Betsy Matthews – City Newspaper Design Review – April Center

Ad Changes/Additional Openings

Betsy is contacting local businesses for center ad. If you want to update your ad, please contact Betsy.
April 18 ad page is finalized.
May ad – for jazz fest. Betsy will reach out to businesses

Guest: Tyler Wolf -Triangle Neighborhood Association (TNA) Lindsay will reach out to Tyler and Mikey

City of Rochester Updates: Kelvin Knight/Matt McCarthy

April 28 – Celebrate City Living at Sibley’s
City Living is about learning about different neighborhoods –

Lindsay will reach out to Tyler Wolf and Mikey for collaboration and tabling

ECommerce – Wed, April 11, 6 pm –

Learn about conducting business online, with hands-on assistance! This e-commerce workshop will provide an overview of the options available for small businesses and assistance in increasing your business’s online visibility. Register now as seats are limited! To register, visit:

Concerns/Questions/Ideas: Open to all attendees

Cobblestone – New sidewalks, benches in, park in front of Cobblestone building
We’ll reach out to someone in the city for further updates. Is it going to Landmark Society? Code enforcement? What is going on with building?

Scott Posadny/Browncroft Garage has purchased 800 Atlantic for temporary overflow parking. Down the road will come up with concrete use. Currently zoned R1.

Lindsay will try to attend future TNA meetings (but cannot be there this month) There is an important North Winton Village meeting on Friday, April 20

Next steps: Lindsay (in collaboration with TNA) will reach out to local bars/pubs for upcoming pub crawl.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, May 14, 12pm Time meeting ended: 12:45

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