Volunteer for Creative Crosswalks- A Public Art Project
ROCHESTER, NY (September 3, 2013)-NeighborWorks® Rochester and the Pocket Neighborhood group are seeking volunteers for Creative Crosswalks, a public art project funded by a Citizens Bank’s grant. Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles for the Community Paint Day on September 28th. These roles include painting, set-up, photography, outlining… Art experience is not required. All ages (around 8yrs and up with supervision) and abilities are welcomed. Please contact Michelle Kraines to register at
mkraines@nwrochester.org, 325-4170 ext. 317.
Pre-registration to volunteer is highly encouraged.
A Selection Jury featuring local stakeholders of the Pocket and the Rochester community came together to select the winning design created by Lisa Robinson. Ms. Robinson’s designs reflect the sights, sounds and values of the neighborhood. The jury had four members: Kristin Ward- Pocket (neighborhood) leadership team and resident of Kansas St.; Marilyn Parchus- North Winton Village Board member and a resident of East Main St.; Heather Layton- Senior Lecturer of Art, Department of Art & Art History, University of Rochester; Peter Monacelli- Adjunct Professor, Visual and Performing Arts, Monroe Community College.
The crosswalk designs will be painted directly onto the street in 6 locations in the Pocket neighborhood of the City of Rochester. The crosswalks will be implemented at the East Main and Atlantic Ave ends of Kansas Street, Akron Street and Woodstock Avenue. These crosswalks will parallel the main thoroughfares of the neighborhood- Atlantic Avenue and East Main Street. This project adheres to the City of Rochester’s BoulevArt policy.
Volunteers may sign up for a morning, afternoon or all day shift. Lunch will be provided for volunteers. The Community Paint Day will be September28th, with rain dates on September 29th and October 5th.Please contact Michelle Kraines by 9/20/13 to register at mkraines@nwrochester.org, 325-4170 ext 317.
Winning Designs