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PathStone Home Energy Assistance

PathStone Home Energy Assistance

From PathStone Corporation:

We are excited to offer our neighbors with a variety of state energy programs, technical and financial assistance, energy consulting, and assistance in applying to appropriate programs. The programs we can offer you are based on your income. We offer enrollment into EmPower New York, Assisted Home Performance, the Green Jobs Green New York free/reduce cost energy audit program, and low cost financing.

EmPower New York offers income-eligible families and individuals FREE cost-effective electric reduction measures. Some homes may also be eligible for FREE heating reduction measures as well. EmPower NY assists families and individuals who fall below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI).

NYSERDA’s Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program helps income-eligible families and individuals by providing additional financial incentives for reducing heating/cooling costs and improving the safety of homes through qualifying energy efficiency measures. Income-eligible households can receive a subsidy (Assisted Subsidy) up to 50% of an approved energy efficiency project. The balance of the project cost is eligible for financing. This program has an eligibility guideline restricted to those under 80% of the AMI.

Green Jobs Green New York (GJGNY) brought to you by NYSERDA provides New Yorkers with access to comprehensive home assessments(energy audits), installation services, low-cost financing, and pathways to training for various green-collar careers. PathStone is a Constituency-Based Organization (CBO) that connects consumers to NYSERDA products such as the free or reduced cost comprehensive home assessments (energy audits) provided by area Building Performance Institute certified contractors who participate in the Home Performance with Energy Star ® program.

GJGNY and PathStone offer various financing for your desired energy reduction measures. You can now finance energy efficiency upgrades with low interest payments conveniently built into your existing utility bill. This will offset your payments with the savings you earn!

You will find information about all the above programs here:

If interested, please fill out all forms within this packet and return to the following address:

Attn: Regina Gonzalez
Housing Rehabilitation and Energy Services
400 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607

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